City Council Members
Adam Wasserman
Council Member
Eniko Gold
Council Member
Larry G. Weber
Laura McCorkindale
Council Member
Joe Loggia
Mayor Pro Tem
The City Council is composed of five members elected at large on a non-partisan basis to serve four year overlapping terms. Municipal elections are held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November of even numbered years.
The Mayor is selected by the City Council, from one of its members, for a one year term and serves as the official representative of the City. The Mayor is the presiding officer at City Council meetings and executes legal instruments and documents. However, the Mayor is not vested with administrative authority.
The Council is the legislative policy-making branch of City government. It is the Council’s responsibility to govern the affairs of the City by enacting ordinances and resolutions, approving the annual budget, authorizing contracts, ruling on applications and appeals, and sitting as the Planning Agency.
City Council meetings are held on the second Monday of each month at 5:30pm. Meetings are held in the Council Chambers at the City Hall, 6165 Spring Valley Road, Hidden Hills and are live-streamed via Zoom, designed for public participation. All meetings of the City Council are open to the public and shown live on Cable TV channel 3 and on the City’s website. Residents are encouraged to attend the meetings to learn more about City government and how it operates. Your comments and opinions are always welcome and appreciated.