The City of Hidden Hills stands in full support of the City of Calabasas and shares their serious concerns over the public health risks, environmental impact, and lack of transparency surrounding fire debris disposal at the Calabasas Landfill. We emphasize the urgent need for greater oversight and responsible decision-making to protect local communities.
On a regional level, the City of Hidden Hills participated in the Las Virgenes Malibu Council of Governments (COG) meeting on Tuesday, February 18th. During this meeting, discussions were held regarding the Calabasas Landfill receiving hazardous fire debris. City representatives engaged with Los Angeles County agency partners and federal partners to address safety concerns for our communities. This collaborative effort underscores our commitment to ensuring safety and advocating for transparency in regional decision-making processes.
The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors will be meeting to discuss Item No. 10 on their Agenda, “Temporary Waiver of Wasteshed Restriction and Increase in Disposal Tonnage Limits at Local Landfills,” Tuesday, February 25th, at 9:30 a.m.
We strongly encourage our community members to participate and make their voices heard on this critical issue. There are several ways to participate in the Board of Supervisors meeting and you are encouraged to make your voice heard. If you are unable to attend the meeting remotely or in person, you may submit a written comment.
You can learn more about this issue and read the Council’s opposition letter here.
Thank you for your attention to this important matter. Your participation is vital in ensuring transparency and responsible decision-making for our community.